The Library
This page will contain a collection of writings by both Rev. Jack and Rev. Liz. Additional material will be added from time to time, so check back often.

Parables of the Nonconical Gospel of Thomas
Compiled by Rev. Dr. Jack R. Miller
Unlike Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, the nonconical Gospel of Thomas doesn't present a narrative of Jesus' ministry and death. Instead, it consists only of Jesus' sayings which are typically introduced with the simple “Jesus said” phrase. In other words, the lost Gospel of Thomas only gives us, to use its vocabulary, the “Living Jesus.” Parables play an important role in the Gospel of Thomas, which is underlined by the fact that a quarter of its text consists of parabolic “sayings.” This work focuses on analyzing the parables associated with the Gospel of Thomas, including their parallel texts in the synoptic gospels.
Click HERE to access the book (requires Adobe Acrobat). 

"Parables in the Gospel of John"
Although the synoptic gospels contain the majority of the parables of Jesus, there is a growing number of scholars who also believe that there are parables in the Gospel of John. These include the Parable of the Carpenter's Apprentice (John 5:19-21), The Good Shepherd (John 10:1-5), and The Parable of the Childbearing Woman (John 16:21-24). This work explores these parables in both scripture and homiletic reflections.
Click HERE for access  (requires Adobe Acrobat)

"Preach the Word" (2 Timothy 4:2) is a collection of homilies Rev. Liz and I have written over the years, organized by Liturgical Cycle and Season. In sharing them we hope to help others in some small way, whether it is in their spiritual journey, in their study of the scriptures, or in their call to share the Word with others. If you find yourselves touched by the messages contained in this work, praise God and God alone for his gift to you. And then do something with that gift, pass it and a blessing onto someone else.
Click HERE to access the book (requires Adobe Acrobat).

"Preaching the Parables" contains reflections on some of the most common parables found in the synoptic gospels that Rev. Liz and I have shared over the years. A few were written by our retired Deacon and others adapted from other sermons and publications. Whether you agree or disagree with our commentary, we sincerely hope that our thoughts and insights will stimulate your thoughts and insights, and ultimately lead to a better understanding of how the Parables of Jesus reflect on our lives in this day and time.
Click HERE to access the book (requires Adobe Acrobat). 

Reproductive Technology:
The Catholic Perspective on Procreative Rights and Ethics:
What is the greater moral good?
By Rev. Dr. Jack R. Miller
Today, in vitro fertilization (IVF) represents one of the major treatments for infertility, often achieving success when other methods of achieving conception have failed. The Catholic Church has been consistent in its opposition since the issue of artificial insemination first became a question in 1987. From the beginning, the Church believes God intended new human beings to be conceived through the marital union of husbands and wives and not created in laboratories as a product of reproductive technology.
The moral question is mute when reproductive technology becomes commercialized, but why is homologous in vitro fertilization morally wrong, when sperm & egg from the married couple are utilized in the process? Why would the Church oppose this treatment when the intent is to use reproductive technology as a solution for the couple's inability to foster children in a normal manner? This paper explores both sides of the controversy and seeks to answer the question, What is the greater moral good?
Click HERE to access the book (requires Adobe Acrobat).

"Harmony of the Drum and Cross" 
The Blending of Native Culture and Christian Worship.
A paper on the subject of inculturation, written by Rev. Jack Miller while attending the Pastoral Ministry Master's Degree Program at Mount Marty College in Yankton, South Dakota. The primary purpose of this paper is to answer the question; is a harmonious worship experience possible that blends traditional Native American and Catholic rituals?
Click HERE to access the paper. (requires Adobe Acrobat)

"My Favorite Things" by Rev. Jack Miller, is a Reflective Essay about his favorite Psalms and Proverbs. Written as part of his doctoral studies at Oxford University (UK), the essay explores the back story behind each selected scripture.
Click HERE to access the essay. (requires Adobe Acrobat).